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Unwatered Seeds, Poems by William Waters

The ache of what might have been, of missed growth—this is the soil that Unwatered Seeds finds.

Sample Poems by William Waters

Unwatered Seeds by William Waters is a cycle of poems that explores the push and pull of affection. When a dry seed meets moist soil, it takes up water and the seed coat cracks open sending an embryo into the light. These poems are waiting for moist soil.” —Claudia Smith

“In spare terms, William Waters evokes the experience of love that didn’t quite make it. That love may have been unwatered, but eloquence certainly flourishes in his book Unwatered Seeds.” — Sonja K. Foss

“In Unwatered Seeds, William Waters has given us poems that are an exquisite expression of the ineffable. The nature of desire here is fervent, impossibly fleeting, and achingly alive in the jewel-like quality of each poem.” — Jane Creighton

“In Unwatered Seeds, we are presented with a concentrated core of language capturing the human struggle for intimacy and autonomy, a tension inherent in human relations. These poems look small on the page; they speak quietly of daily life, but they quiver. Like a seed, like a bud, they contain worlds ready to open in our hands.” — Kathleen Longwaters

ISBN: 978-1625494627, 38 pages

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