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House of the Cardamom Seed, Poems by Penelope Scambly Schott
House of the Cardamom Seed
is a journey from the soil and roots of memory to a late flowering of
wisdom, facing personal and public spaces in the world.
Sample Poems by Penelope Schott
“Every new book by Penelope Schott is a daybreak of surprises, and House of the Cardamom Seed is no exception. Her poems are flush with sensuous humor and lust, spiky with ellipses and revelations, tracking the ‘mistake’ of her birth into a mother-lode of wisdom. The Schott who once thought ‘if I could have been an antelope/ I’d never have stopped running,’ is now a shape-shifter ‘way too much in love with this world,’ able to see how a skunk’s white stripe ‘might be the Milky Way’ and to need ‘a lot of dogs to get you through your lifetime.’ You never know what you will find when you turn the next page of this book but you know it will be startling and fresh as daylight.”—Alicia Ostriker, author of The Old Woman, the Tulip, and the Dog
“What I admire about Penelope Scambly Schott’s poems—and especially so in House of the Cardamom Seed—is the honest human voice, the direct eye that pays such close attention in craft to the details that mark our living. These poems ask, through specific memory and close observation, just what are we doing here? The language is clear and accessible and knows the inquisitive music of the mind. Schott gives us small answers with large meaning and a great appreciation for life.”—Christopher Buckley, author of Star Journal: Selected Poems
ISBN: 978-1625492708, 104 pages
Also by Penelope Scambly Schott:
The Pest Maiden: A Story of Lobotomy
A is for Anne: Mistress Hutchinson Troubles the Commonwealth