Sample Poems by Kevin
Stir Descend and drown us, vital
Pour white lightening lore on our dim wit.
Crack our plastered brains with
Ferment our liquored veins until
our blood runs ever clear.
Ignite our wooden
and in thy tender mercy
crash our party.
That Was the PointThink back some years
Recall the
sudden blaze
Of colors nearly leaping
From the corners and the curves
Of buildings
trees and clouds
Recall the fineness of your tongue
The eloquence of your hand
how you knew
You knew your world
Had fallen into place.
That was the
Your darkness began
When God sent you
Leprosies in your fingers
in your walls
Scales across your eyes
Mocking your vision
Turning your Epiphany
Reminding you always
Of your smallness
Under his inaccessible
ExperienceMaybe God, the con artist,
Cursed him by the
year with pains,
Bilked him of his cherished answers.
That was the necessary
Called buying time. Now, in the rain,
He stands groping his
Listening for the clink of change.
Somebody Help MeI’m singin’ to a sandwich.
No more
ditties by Manilow.
This is flat-out anthem,
three-cheese-chest-heavin’ song,
and its
packin’ meat
like Arby’s, Man.
Oh god, I’m singin’ for my pants.
Barry don’t
cut it anymore.
This is hip-waggin-groin-thrustin’
ecstasy in my khakis and
This is dancin’ in the afterlife
at Target, Dude.
Oh hell, my SUV has me
operatic in the choir.
It’s Mozart ’n Mo’town.
This’ll take me to the arctic
and back.
I am Driver hear me roar; hear
the sound of my gasoline suckin’
Somebody help me. It’s Prime Time.
Oh God, the Ad Man has me
my Dickie’s and Deeres.
Confessions of a Suspicious Character
To be
nobody but myself—in a world which is doing its
best night and day, to make you everybody else—means
to fight the hardest battle which any human being can
fight, and never stop fighting.—E.
E. Cummings
What the West has thrown on the waters of the world
drifts back to us on a
tide of cultural pollution
appalling to behold.—Arthur Charles Erickson
In school our
teachers strove
Against the myth of a savage
Naked but for a loin cloth.
They knit
their brows and bent
Like sculptors caressing the stone,
Patiently, firmly
The lines of the eyes, the mouth,
The feathers marking the tribe.
I am late
in coming to this:
I am the naked civilian,
Featureless but for my car,
My computer,
my power.
In Wales, in Kurdistan,
And Cheyenne River,
People with weathered
Fight to keep clothes on.
My neighbors do not mind
Their own
They are safe in high-rises,
Warm on suburban lawns.
remembering their lessons,
They lament the stripping of the Navajo.
Still, perhaps, for
fear of Yugoslavia,
They will white-wash the world.
I am cold, lurking
In the uniform twilight, fearing
The guilt of a discriminating
of clothes.